How Can It Help? Eupatorium Perfoliatum – Boneset

by | Oct 20, 2023 | Benefits, How Can It Help?

How can Eupatorium Perfoliatum benefit me?


Eupatorium Perfoliatum also known as Boneset. It has a great affinity for bone-breaking pains.  So, when you have a bad flu, dengue, or malaria going on and you feel like all your bones will break, or your back will break, and your muscles are painful.  This remedy will fit very nicely.  A wonderful remedy made from this anti-viral plant.

It also acts on the spinal cord, skin, gastro-hepatic organs, and the bronchial mucus membranes.

So, what might I feel if Eupatorium Perfoliatum will benefit me?

  • Backache, aching, trembling in back
  • Soreness in chest
  • Hoarseness and cough with soreness in chest
  • Cough from tickle in larynx
  • Cough worse from 2-4am
  • Sore aching eyeballs
  • You may even be starving hungry before or during  the flu
  • Desire and thirst for cold water even before or during a chill
  • Crave ice cream
  • Occipital pain in head after lying down.  Heavy feeling.
  • Bone aches
  • Soreness of flesh
  • Fever and chills
  • Aching in arms and wrists
  • Difficulty breathing; Need to lie down with head high
  • Worse 7am-9am
  • Coryza with sneezing
  • Nausea from smell or sight of food, maybe even vomiting
  • Prostration
  • Periodicity (comes and goes at intervals)


These are just some of the Keynotes to look at to see if this remedy would benefit you. You would want to have several of these to make a good fit.

I have used this remedy for fevers and flus:

  • For a general fever. Eupatorium 30 + Belladonna 3, every 2 hours, and then spread out as your fever reduces.
  • Also, I have used this daily in a 200 or 1M more as a preventative if there are colds/flu going around and then stop when the threat is over. Place a few pills in a water bottle that is almost full, shake vigorously, and take a sip.  This is one dose.  Keep it in the fridge so it will last several weeks.  Shake vigorously before each use.


So how have others used it?

Eupatorium Perfoliatum in Dumb Ague. By B. B. Shaha. ( Homeopathic Recorder Vol 14, 1901)

“A native of Goldsmith class, aged 42 years, came under my treatment on 3rd February last. He was suffering from this malady for a month. He was under some allopathic doctors of Calcutta, but no perceptible improvement did he find in their treatment. Next, he came to me with the following symptoms:

Type — Tertian. Fever at 8am ; thirst insatiable; drinking hastens chill; bone pains in extremities; throbbing headache; sweat scanty; jaundice hue of skin, etc., etc. Eup. per/. 3, three times a day, perfectly cured the patient in four days, and no relapse since then.”


Here is a study on Eupatorium on pubmed:

Lira-Salazar G, Marines-Montiel E, Torres-Monzón J, et al. Effects of homeopathic medications Eupatorium perfoliatum and Arsenicum album on parasitemia of Plasmodium berghei-infected mice. Homeopathy. 2006 Oct ;95 (4):223-8.


I’ll leave you with one more case from SOME CLINICAL EXPERIENCES of ERASTUS E. CASE, M. D.

A light-haired boy of nine years has had quotidian chills for three days. He awakes early in the morning very thirsty. Chill begins in the spine at 6am, and lasts until 10am, with thirst and aching in his bones. Two hours of fever followed with headache, ending with nausea. The headache persists after the fever, but there is no sweat.  That was the last chill, although he has resided during the thirteen years since then in one of the worst malarial sections of the state.


Message or book a consultation with Lisa today and learn more about how homeopathy can help you and your entire family.



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