Look Out Swine Flu is Coming …

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Healing, Treatments

Look out swine flu is coming … look out bird flu is here … look out measles and TB are back …… old but new ….. what to do?


Well, with homeopathy you can breathe easier 😉 literally.

The words may be scary and the presentation even worse by the media, but when looking at the symptoms we can take a breath and see how to address the symptoms and change the remedies as needed.

Take for example, Bird flu …

  • Gut issues – Nausea, belly pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.  We have remedies such as Arsenicum, Veratrum album + Cuprum met, etc …
  • Breathing problems — Shortness of breath, respiratory distress or failure, pneumonia, and other respiratory diseases.  But we have remedies such as Bacilinum, Kali carb, Ipecac and more
  • Brain or nervous system changes — Shifts in behavior, thinking, or organ function which depending on what is going on we have many remedies to look at such as Kali phos, Zinc met, Coffea, ect. Seizures are possible as well.  So we have a trio that may come in handy for the seizures such as Cicuta, Cuprum, and Causticum and others.

Next, there is Swine flu — treat it as the flu.  These, too, are pretty much the same as seasonal flu. They can include: Aconite/Bryonia , Belladonna, Hepar sulph, Sanguinaria, Allium department, Rhus tox, Gelsemium.  Again, looking at the symptoms.

Of course if you don’t get it right away, it can lead to more serious complications such as pneumonia and again, look at the symptoms and address accordingly perhaps with Bacilinum, Kali carb, Ipecac ect …

What about measles? That can’t be good, right?  But we do have remedies even for this. Ones such as Aconite, Bryonia, Belladonna, Pulsatilla, etc …  And if you know measles is right around the corner in your neighborhood, you can take Pulsatilla before hand.

What about Tuberculosis?  Surely there is nothing you can do to help with that!!!  BUT YES THERE IS!!!  Again, look at the symptoms.  Remedies such as Bacilinum, Kali carb, Ant tart, etc …

Ok, what about Sepsis?!?  Sure, serious, right?  Well we have remedies for that too! Remedies such as Pyrogenium, Gun powder, Hepar sulph, Echinacea (in potency), Belladonna, ect…. There is even a remedy blend called WAR that can come in handy for a variety of infections such as sepsis.

With any of these, start with Aconite 200 ( 1 dose every hour for 4 doses) at the first sign (suddenness/shock) of feeling run down, and oftentimes that will nip it in the bud, its like a homeopathic “Vitamin C”.  A second go-to is Arsenicum 30 and Nux vomica 30 together twice a day as a “blood cleanser” taken for 7 days.

BUT the most important thing is to NOT suppress the illness and/or eruptions with allopathy.  If done, it drives the disease state deeper and more serious illnesses will occur in the future that you will then have to deal with. Our bodies want to heal, so it will keep bringing it back in stronger messages until we deal with it. 🙂 I have covered this in another post.

So don’t let the names scare you. Look at the symptoms always, and ask “what remedies would fit that”?  This way you can have your home kits ready to go and be confident in helping your family and perhaps even your neighbors get through some crazy times. You can never have too many remedies on hand ready for action.

And if you need additional help, let me know.


Message or book a consultation with Lisa today and learn more about how homeopathy can help you and your entire family.



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